Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I've fallen in love....

Yes, I've fallen in love....  with a paint brush.

with the perfect paint brush!. Long handle, bright. No marking but I guess it must be an 8.

But as is often the way in great love stories, it belongs to another. As it happens, it belongs to Kevin, the Artist who takes the painting class I go to and I must have taken it with me after class on Tuesday last.

Now I've turned into a sort of pantomime Schizophrenic in my head. Any decent person would get it back to him as soon as possible but its Christmas and there's no more class until mid Jan. He lives about a 40 minute drive away, surely too far to drive for a paint brush! I could post it but, in the Christmas rush, I’d be worried it might get damaged or worse, god forbid, lost! Then neither of us would be happy. Of course it's possible he hasn't even missed it. But really, if that’s true he couldn't possibly deserve it. I've been down to my local art shop and there wasn't any that could hold a candle up to it. Of course there wasn't!

So Kevin if you’re reading... Yes I have it, but I love it and am looking after it so well that I'm sure it loves me too. Is there any chance of a mediated solution or must we flee the jurisdiction to be together?

1 comment:

Kevo said...

Oh go on then...keep the brush and Happy Christmas!