Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pre Mixing Colours

Well not much painting going on this weekend. But lots of
christmasing, is that a word? Why am I even asking, of course it's
not. Anyway, tree up and decorated in that manic way that seven
year olds favor. We've also been out for a birthday brunch, another
year for me and as it happens another Santa’s grotto for the girls.

When we finally got back I was looking at some demos and theory on colour/hue, tone/value. So in starting a new painting this evening I laid things out differently.

Here's a photo of my palette.

The colours themselves aren't great but what I am trying to do is to pre mix a "string" of colours (say about 4 or 5) for each area of colour. Each in the same hue but a different tone as it goes along the string. I'm also trying to use little or no white or black and to look at using complimentary colours in the shadows and neutrals.

I had real trouble with the purples, in fact it's a lot harder than you'd think. I seem to have trouble either seeing the colours as they are or in making them up but once I've got the basic colour its ok to get the tones from there.

When all your colours are mixed "one" should be able to see a harmony of colour on the palette! Can't say I can see much of that. Also "one's" colour should be clear and vibrant without the effect of the white and black they do! Although, I confess to using a fair bit of white in the yellow for the flesh of the lemon. Anyway, I guess I won't know if this way works any better or if I have completely missed the point until I paint up the picture.

Having talked about this now I'm suddenly feeling under pressure. If it's awful we'll just never mention this again alright?

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